Fraud alerts

There are many different types of fraud and ever evolving methods being used by fraudsters. Check this page frequently to keep up to date with the latest frauds that could involve Schroders Personal Wealth.

Fraud alerts

Contact us

Get in touch with us right away if you are suspicious of any communication you may have received or if you suspect that you may have been a victim of fraud using the Schroders Personal Wealth brand.

You can contact our Financial Crime Prevention team via:

Telephone: 0800 640 4161


If you suspect you have been a victim of fraud, we advise you to report it immediately to your bank who may be able to assist you in stopping or recovering funds. You can report fraud and cyber crime if you live in the UK to Action Fraud.

When you contact Schroders Personal Wealth, we will investigate your suspicions and where possible take necessary steps to prevent others falling victim to the same scam.

Please note that any information sent via email is not secure and could be read by others.