Modern Slavery and Gender Pay

Modern Slavery Act

Schroders Personal Wealth (SPW) recognise the responsibility that we have towards our clients, stakeholders, our employees, and society as a whole and corporate responsibility matters enormously to us and therefore, we are committed to do everything we can to prevent any form of modern slavery from taking place in our business or supply chains. This statement has been prepared to comply with section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) and is an update on the progress that we have made during 2023.

Download the report here

Gender Pay Gap

Our vision is for all colleagues, whatever their role or circumstance, to have the resources and flexibility they need to achieve what’s important to them, both inside and outside work. We are committed to doing more to ensure all colleagues have equal opportunities, for example, through promoting agile working, supporting career progression of those with high potential, and being certain our recruitment process leaves no room for bias. Measuring and addressing the gender pay gap plays a huge part.

The gender pay gap is the measure of the difference in average pay between all men and all women across an organisation, expressed as a percentage. It is regardless of their role, seniority, length of service or location and any other differentiating factors. It helps us to identify what is working as well as addressing where more action is needed to support and empower women as we grow our business. We are committed to monitoring the numbers closely over the coming years, and doing more to improve gender diversity.

Download the 2022 report here

Download the 2023 report here

Download the 2024 report here